Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Razer Ouroboros Mouse

I use an Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display for most of my development work.  The touch pad on the MacBook is by far the best touchpad I've ever used.  Most of the time I function fine without a mouse.  But when I'm creating 3D models in Blender or setting up Scenes in Unity, the touchpad just doesn't cut it, I need a mouse.  But not just any mouse, it has to have a middle scroll button that works good as both a button and a scroll wheel.  I have an Apple Magic Mouse, which I like, but without a middle scroll button, it's not much use for 3D.

I have been getting by with a small mobile Logitech mouse which I never really liked.  The scroll button often starts zooming when I'm trying to click it.  About a month ago I got fed up and started looking for a new mouse.  I tired of my old crap mouse and wanted something awesome.  I had read about the Mad Catz R.A.T. series of mice in a discussion group so I checked them out.  I was almost ready to buy one when I found the Razer Ouroboros.  It seemed perfect from what I could see in the pictures and what I had read both in the literature and the online reviews so I ordered one.  Fortunately the Ouroboros has not disappointed me.

Some of the things I really like about this mouse are the precision tracking, the DPI buttons, the scroll button, and configurable fit.  The mouse track perfectly on every surface I have used it on, even the surface of my glossy desk.  The two DPI buttons let you adjust the speed of the mouse without having to go into the mouse settings.  This is a feature I never thought I would need but there have been a couple of times where it came in handy.  The scroll button functions exactly as I hoped.  It works great as a button and scrolls nice when I need it.  The mouse can be adjusted to fit your hand comfortably.  It is the best mouse I've ever used.  

The only negative I've found is that the rechargeable batter doesn't last very long.  It lasts longer than me on any given work session but if I leave it off the charging stand for a day, the battery will be dead.  It's not the end of the world because it can be used as a wired mouse by unplugging the USB cord from the charging station and plugging directly into the mouse.  Overall it's really a small issue.  

Overall, the Razer Ouroboros is a great mouse.  In fact, I'm so happy with it, I'm thinking about picking up a Razer Orochi for when I'm traveling and need more portability.  

If you find yourself looking to upgrade your mouse, I recommend you check out the Razer Ouroboros.    

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Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Welcome to the Mobile Game Developer Journal.  My intention for this site is to create a useful collection of the things I've learned since I started developing iOS apps part time in 2009.  Just about anything related to game development is fair game.

I have published two games in the App Store under my company Handy Macro.  The first game was a simple 3D shooter called Assault on DX327 and the second was a 2D game called Sick Froggies.  While neither game was a market success, they were both great learning experiences.  I learned to use most of the iOS SDK, OpenGL, Blender, and Gimp while creating them.

After reflecting on my first two projects, I've decided to make a couple big changes to my process.  The first big change is that going forward, I'm going to use Unity.  The amount of time that it saves is incredible.  I'm still small enough to operate with the free license but when if and when I get to the point that I need to buy the Pro license, I'll be more than happy to cut the check.    The second big change is that I will by buying assets instead of trying to create them myself.  I came to the realization that I'm just not very good at creating 3D models and artwork.  It takes me forever to get anything done and the results are usually disappointing.  You can get great models and artwork for fairly inexpensively.

So that's it, a brief overview of some of the stuff I've done.  I plan to talk more about each of these areas in upcoming posts.  But for now, I need to get back to writing some code!

Thank you for stopping by!